Feminine Wardrobe Basics That Will Never Go Out of Style

Drawing by 11-year old A.M.

If you’re looking to change or add to your wardrobe and want to incorporate some basic feminine pieces, this post is for you.

Importantly, these pieces won’t go out of style because they’ve already stood the test of time. Focusing on timeless elements, as least to some degree, helps to save money and encourages us to acquire lasting quality.

Many women have numerous pairs of dress shoes, earrings, blouses, or yoga pants, and often don’t wear most of them very often or want to wear them less often. In another post we’ll talk about how to let mediocre items go, but for now, take your favorites, those you constantly wear, and note what it is you like about them. From here you’ll get a realistic place from which to start when thinking of other items you want to purchase.

For the following, you’ll want to edit in your own style and color choices. Here are feminine wardrobe basics that won’t go out of style:

  • button-up shirts in billowy fabrics or fitted but not tight crisp cotton
  • nautical striped tops with crew or boat necks
  • t-shirt style tops, long or short-sleeved, that are not see-through
  • trousers with pleats (more points if you add a flexible belt)
  • ankle length pants
  • cotton, silk, rayon, modal for tops
  • wool, cashmere, knitted cotton for sweaters/cardigans
  • cotton, wool, jean material for pants
  • leather or suede shoes
  • half-inch or one-inch heeled shoes with almond shaped toes
  • neutral colors plus one to three accent colors that flatter you
  • skirts of all lengths and styles except those that are too short
  • opaque solid tights and knit stockings in neutral colors
  • dresses of all kinds except those that are too short, too tight, or those that restrict your movement
  • necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and rings that don’t get in your way or impede your daily activities

Consider avoiding:

  • heavy fancy embellishments for everyday wear unless you can be consistent and it compliments your lifestyle
  • colors that don’t complement you (otherwise wear them below your chest, away from your face)
  • overly tight clothes (if you must wear yoga pants, wear a long top or tunic for sufficient modesty)
  • overly loose/baggy clothing unless it truly suits you (it may in the case of some women)
  • overly trendy silhouettes that will soon go out of style
  • high-heels unless you can walk gracefully and without pain
  • slogans or symbols (with exception of your religious symbols or display of patriotism to the country in which you reside)
  • anything uncomfortable, ill-fitting, dirty, wrinkled, or overly casual or dressy for your daily lifestyle
  • anything highly impractical or immodest as this sends the wrong messages about you and your ability to make wise decisions

In this author’s opinion, feminine basics are not merely a pink dress or skirt. You may not want to wear something like this when raising a puppy or looking after a toddler or going out in the cold. You have the wisdom and sense to choose practical clothing for your particular daily activities. You can make simple and even rugged clothes like jeans and a leather jacket adequately feminine by avoiding tacky or masculine designs, crude cuts, unappealing color combinations, and improper fit.

Feminine clothing is practical, comfortable, aesthetically appealing, sufficiently modest, and thoughtful towards the woman wearing it and her activities that day.

Consider some of the following to add some extra feminine touches once you’ve put on a basic outfit:

  • a scarf draped around your neck or tied in your hair
  • a hair accessory like a barrette or headband
  • a broche
  • a nice belt
  • shoes with a small feminine embellishment like a bow or tassel
  • polished nails
  • a spray of perfume or some scent

Do remember that more than anything, your behavior speaks for you. Get dressed in a way that will represent you well and then let your actions do the rest of the talking. Feminine aspects in your dress will help encourage you to act that way, but if you must go out and do something like shovel manure, rest assured, you can wear boots, jeans, and a coat, and with the attitude of a lady, you’ll still look every bit as one.

Posted by admin in Femininity, Style and Appearance

It’s Normal to Judge a Book by Its Cover

We have been repeatedly told not to “judge a book by its cover” but, this strikes against reality. We humans have evolved to judge others by their appearance for our survival and safety. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s dangerous and foolish not to do it.

Before anyone gets upset, it is true that when there is time and freedom, it’s ideal to judge others on more than simple outward appearance. This is because morality and good character can be found underneath a careless or disheveled exterior and evil can cloak itself in the finest clothes and most graceful manners.

What does “time and freedom” mean here? Well let’s say you’re walking on the street and have somewhere to be and don’t have time for any stops. You catch sight of an odd-looking person up ahead. You can’t put your finger on it but there is something unsettling about their expression or way of moving. Your gut instinct, honed by many years of experience by your ancestors, has been activated and informed you to be cautious and to cross to the other side of the road. Did you just discriminate? Yes, you did, and it is a healthy human activity. You discriminate when you choose a healthy food option over an unhealthy one. You discriminate all the time.

Those who would call you a horrible person are being nonsensical and apparently don’t want you to take proper precautions with your life–don’t listen to them. What we dislike and ultimately fear are others actively choosing, in most situations, to not allow us any opportunity to reveal ourselves beyond what is initially apparent. We all appreciate those who hold off on making a determination about us until after fair and adequate investigation. Many of us enjoy giving this opportunity, as well, in the spirit of and hope for reciprocity.

We should always use our minds and knowledge to be discriminate in our thinking, choices, and behavior. If we pay attention, we’ll know when we need to self-correct. If we act on extreme pickiness, we may suffer consequences such as feeling overly anxious, avoiding nearly everyone, and quickly becoming lonely and isolated. Or taken to the other extreme, we’ll not sufficiently protect ourselves from our environment and the animals and people in it. So one does need to carry around a healthy ability to properly discern how we maneuver ourselves in the world. We need to be able to assess risks and make the right personal decisions. When there isn’t much time or space, we move to the other side of the road if compelled to. When we have the opportunity we can read a book instead of merely glance at its cover.

Please know this is dictated by one’s personal factors–don’t attempt to decide when others should do anything. You don’t know the underlying reasons for what seems like someone’s extra caution or lack thereof. Not to mention there are certain things some people have chosen not to put up with or risk getting close to. It could be as harmless as people sporting tattoos or polo shirts but so be it. If you like, you can choose not to associate with those who don’t want to associate with those with tattoos or polo shirts. It’s called freedom of association and we should all respect that right because certainly, we want it for ourselves.

What about in an instance where we have time and freedom to make a more nuanced decision? In this case, we take our time to observe and interact. We ask questions. We ask acquaintances of this person, “what is your impression or experience of so-and-so?” It’s best to be able to get to know people slowly and steadily, for this will most accurately reveal their character over time. This is why it is commonly advised that couples get to know each other for two years before marriage. Before the age of dating, families did much thorough investigation to uncover the true nature of a potential in-law and his or her family and friends.

A keenly observant person will note a multitude of things about you when they meet you. Let’s say you notice someone with a relaxed body posture, nails that are cared for, and clothes that are clean and pressed. You may instantly think of them as a seemingly healthy, clean, and motivated individual. If you see the opposite of these traits, you may reasonably wonder if perhaps they’re stressed, anxious, troubled, poor, or somewhat lazy. It’s entirely possible that a fortunate looking person is morally devoid and self-centered and a pain to be around. And that the person who seems anxious and lazy might be those things to some degree but is otherwise quite pleasant, conscientious, and of good moral character. However, these details about us don’t lie. This is why Sherlock Holmes and his real life counterparts can do what they do.

A word of caution due to the potentially confounding nature of humans. Do learn to think through the notable difference between someone with a goofy style of dress and someone with aggressive posture or mannerisms. Do notice the difference between someone who merely lacks manners and someone who is rude or seems narcissistic. And be aware of the difference between someone honest but rough-around-edges versus someone elegant who shows hints of dishonesty or controlling behavior. It’s obviously best not to reject perfectly good people for shallow or ill-conceived reasons. Just as we don’t want to be rejected for our minor foibles. And of course, it’s crucial to avoid the charming snakes out there.

There’s no escaping the fact that appearance matters. You want to make sure that you appear as you are. If you’re a modest woman but dress immodestly, you’ll alienate those you may be trying to attract. And they wouldn’t be blamed for avoiding you, just as you’re not to blame for avoiding others based on what you see. You have the right to save your time and energy, too.

Your choice of clothes, shoes, hairstyle, and way of moving and speaking all tell others something about you. Make sure your appearance is in harmony with your personality, lifestyle, character, and goals. Don’t worry about judging others based on appearance. With time or energy to do so, you can always choose to look deeper. Most people do, in fact. But it’s up to you. Don’t let anyone shame you into thinking you must be drawn towards those you feel like avoiding. How would they like that kind of pressure?

Your powers of observation are there for a reason. Trust yourself enough to respect your feelings in this regard and stay open to the truth whenever possible. We all discriminate and judge books by their covers. Those who don’t pay a price.

Posted by admin

How to Have Good Taste

Artwork by 11-year-old A.M.

We’ve been told that “good taste” is completely subjective but that’s not true. However, good taste varies widely so there’s no need to fear that having good taste is too limiting or exclusionary.

Here we’re defining “good” in a way that is wholesome, beneficial to healthy parties, and just. Thus this guide is going to differ from others because good taste is interpreted and defined in all kinds of ways.

When we’re born, we are wild and uncivilized. We rely on our parents and environment to guide our behavior as we grow. In reality, there is right and wrong, good and bad, beautiful and ugly, and true and untrue. We’re taught how to discern these differences and what criteria to apply. In today’s world, much is acceptable which wasn’t always and more so, there has been a movement to invert reality. Now, what is up is down and vice versa. That’s why for some, learning how to have good taste may be helpful or necessary.

We’ve been subjected to decades of confusion on the matter. We’ve been told anything goes. If you’ve ever used a quality tool after being frustrated while using a cheap one, you understand that not just anything goes, at all.

How to Have Good Taste

Clothing, art, music, architecture, food–there’s a wide range of variability and styles, but despite this, they can all have something in common if they’re in good taste:

  • Quality
  • Skillful
  • Wrought or derived from virtuous behavior
  • Not created to destroy or subvert truth
  • In support of health and wellness

“Good taste” supports what is true, good, and beautiful and we stand to benefit from remembering that if it doesn’t support these three things, perhaps it isn’t in good taste.

Train Yourself to Recognize Good Quality

You can teach yourself how to spot quality in an instant. It simply takes practice. Ask yourself if something was created to endure? Does it inspire or uplift? Is it actually beautiful? Was it made for a noble purpose? Does it go against what is true? If it’s a tool, does it work properly?

Have you ever seen a beautiful item pertaining to an aesthetic you do not particularly like? Wasn’t it easy to recognize its beauty and quality, nevertheless? Quality shines regardless if it is in your preferred style or not.

How to Cultivate Good Taste

  • Pick your favorite breakfast and dissect it. Is it healthy? Is it the best quality you can afford? Do you serve it in a way that has some aesthetic appeal? Do you take the time to enjoy each bite?

If you said “no” to any of the above questions, consider asking yourself why you don’t eat a better quality breakfast. Try upgrading this meal with a few adjustments and see if that makes any difference. Look at quality foods from all over the world. They have certain elements in common, such as freshness and reasonable serving sizes. The key is to incorporate those basic elements of quality and goodness as much as you can.

  • Analyze your wardrobe. Is it the best quality you can get? Does your clothing and shoes fit properly? Is it practical and in harmony with your lifestyle? Does it feel like you wear a style that is authentic to you? Do you care for your clothes and shoes? Do your clothing choices say something positive or negative about you? Can people read you accurately based on the way you dress or are you misleading them? Can your outfits be worn around children?

Try refining your wardrobe based on how you answer these questions. Some of us have very little funds for this area, but we can still do the best with what we have. It is likely better to have 10 outfits that speak highly of you and suit your life and personality versus having nearly unlimited options of mediocre outfits that do not.

  • Take a close look at your media consumption. What does it say about you? What could someone say to describe you if all they had to go on was the books, news, articles, movies, tv shows, and music you consume?

People may live one way and secretly listen to a shocking music style. Most wouldn’t bat an eye. For your own purposes, ask yourself if your music choices provide you with positive value. Consider the messages you listen to and if those messages are in line with your values in life. Would you be ashamed if your child or grandparent listened to it?

We’re highly influenced by media choices and filtering these accordingly is one way to protect our minds from toxic elements and low quality information.

When you support high quality media sources, you help sustain and spread that which you consider worthy and good. It’s one thing to say we agree with something and another to actively support it.

  • Tools and lifestyle products. From hammers to soap, we all use many products. Paying attention to the material and make of the products we buy and the consequences of using them can make for a wise investment into your health, safety, and keep you from acquiring extra and unnecessary purchases.

Pay attention to the details of what you’re about to purchase. Try to avoid cheaply made products if you need something to last. Support products made by companies or local community members you respect. Go for quality as much as you can. Be strict with your choices so that you don’t waste money or compromise on value.

“In good taste” used to be said often to indicate that something was reasonable, positive, healthy, and, and broadly appealing to one’s culture or society. We’ve replaced this with a lack of discrimination and a blind acceptance of everything. Within standards of good taste, we still have an immense selection to choose from. Don’t be afraid to apply strict quality standards and cultivate your own personal brand of inspiring, beautiful, meaningful, healthy, and purposeful good taste.

A young lady who can pick out that which is in good taste, is more capable of choosing a quality husband. We’ll address that crucial topic in another post.

Posted by admin in Culture

This is Glorious Femininity

Drawing by 11-year-old A.M.

What is femininity? Is it make-up? The color pink? Frills and lace? A high-pitched voice? Pitiful vulnerability?

While the above is often associated with it, femininity is actually the natural, healthy way of a female–the inherent traits generally expressed by girls and women.

Even girls and women whose personality drives them to have a simple and unadorned look can be very feminine. Their behavior, their choices, can easily reflect femininity. They can still nurture, be thoughtful, use their emotional availability, and practice modesty and restraint while exuding happiness and positivity.

These days, femininity is mocked and twisted into something it’s not. A healthy heart is warmed and inspired by it.

This is Glorious Femininity:

  • a woman bending down to the level of a crying child and gently asking “what’s wrong?”
  • a woman who uses her senses to add beauty to an environment
  • a mother foregoing sleep to soothe her child who needs her presence
  • a nurse attentive and empathetic to the cries of a patient
  • a mother who tells her children how wonderful their father is
  • a grandmother patiently helping her daughter feed her newborn
  • a woman wondering if everyone in the room is comfortable, hungry, or in need of anything
  • a wife who makes her husband’s favorite meal when she knows he’s having a tough day
  • a sister who enthusiastically cheers and roots for her brother
  • a female who calls her friend to check up on her and see if she needs cheering up
  • a girl who makes up a sweet story with a happy ending
  • a group of women who decide to pool resources and work together for their community
  • a woman who patiently listens to her date speak in an effort to better understand and get to know him
  • a daughter grabbing her mom or dad’s hand in a casual show of affection
  • a girl who is gentle and playful with her dog or cat
  • a grandmother tearing up when all beloved family gathers around her
  • a wife who tells her husband that she believes in him

Coupled With Virtue, Femininity is Ideal

Some would read through this list and point out that men can do all these things, too, that it’s just compassion and patience and thoughtfulness. That’s true but females do these things more readily and more as a natural compulsion than males and their bodies and their natural roles are more in harmony with these behaviors. Males have different bodies, instincts, and natural roles and so they’re better at certain things–things that women can also do, but not as well.

Femininity in modern times is often suppressed due to culture. Even still, it manages to leak out of females all the time. For example, some women say they aren’t feminine at all, don’t like children, and think caring for a child would be gross and exhausting but will then get a pet and dote on that pet in such an attentive, gentle, and loving way, one wonders if that kind of female realizes that she is indeed feminine. She may just have a warped attitude towards children and motherhood and a negative view of femininity.

Femininity Appeals to All

We like someone making us delicious and nourishing food. We like receiving a sweet expression. We like someone being concerned with our feelings. We like being made comfortable. We like shows of unbridled joy and enthusiasm. We like tenderness and care. We like gentleness and patience. We like loyalty and steadfastness. We like beauty and compliments. We like femininity.

Do not confuse femininity with sexuality or sensuality or girly behavior. Femininity is easily revealed in young girls as well as mature or elderly women, women who do traditionally male-dominated work, nuns, and even a female farmer who spends her days sweating in overalls. Femininity is a wonderful gift that doesn’t take away from the uniqueness of a woman, rather it is her natural undercurrent. However, it may be suppressed if one’s environment teaches one to do otherwise or consistently rewards masculine behavior in females.

Elsewhere we discuss how to regain, learn, or enhance one’s femininity. Please know that it’s not too late!

Posted by admin in Femininity

How to Start Your Journey to Self-Knowledge

Self-knowledge is the foundation for wisdom and a learned skill that will serve to guide and protect you in life. Only through self-knowledge can we engage in effective self-improvement, hold ourselves accountable for our thoughts and actions, and let our strengths shine and grow.

Posted by admin in Self-Knowledge

Our Great Civilization is Doomed if Women Don’t Like Children

Watch popular media and attend a high school. You’ll find a common and widely acceptable reaction among females towards children: “eww”, “ugh”, and the most charitable, “not any time soon”.

Why is this? Biologically, women are predisposed by nature to instead react more like: “aww”, “I adore children!” and “I want my own baby!”

So what has happened to create the self-destructive shift?

Feminism? The movement which seeks to compete with nature and push women towards masculine behavior and self-centered ways of thinking and living. A baby–a family, takes up most of a woman’s time and according to feminists, women deserve to live for themselves. Children are naturally needy and women have worked long and hard to free themselves from the chains wrought by the patriarchy. It is no wonder young women today view children as a hindrance and nuisance.

Humans must be guided to properly discern that which is beautiful, good, and true, or else they won’t. So when girls and women are influenced to view children as one of many options, a deterrent to their potential, and an inconvenience, well, it’s no surprise we see the reactions that we do among so many.

For those not too mentally disturbed, having a child changes much of ones ill-begotten perspective. Many women need only to experience motherhood in order to see the light, but too many never become mothers, at all, and others are too mind-warped to become decent mothers once the opportunity arises. The children of the latter are true victims of the world. They grow up with resentful “mothers” who often compete with them for attention or who treat them as a hobby among more worthwhile pursuits.

Traditionally, little girls are raised to respect and appreciate younger children. As they get older they very easily long to care for others who are younger, be sweet to them, and learn to take responsibility for their wellbeing. A large family used to provide the perfect training ground for future mothers. Now with many children not having more than one sibling, and extended families being more separated than ever before, it has become more unlikely that a young woman have any experience empathizing with children, caring for them, and understanding what they’re like.

Women now give the wrong kind of men their misplaced mothering attention and aid while they nurture small pets with such excessiveness, even these animals are suffering. Nature must be respected. Animals do not want to be treated like babies. And babies and children must be adored, protected, and made a priority in society.

Feminism has wielded its toxic influence for so long now that many of today’s children are often a difficult presence and nearly impossible to dote on. Young women taught to dislike children can hardly be blamed for doing so. The way children behave today only validate women’s opinions of them. It’s the destructive cycle completing itself.

We must break the cycle by being good mothers who behave in a traditional feminine way. We must want to care for children and treat them properly. We must respect them, protect them, and model the correct behavior for them to follow.

If we do these things, women will once again be captivated by the gentle, spirited, and curious nature of delightful and pleasant children and long to have their own. What comes from this is that more women will choose virtuous men to pair with.

How do we know they’ll choose virtuous men?

Simple. Because women who love children choose men who will become protective and loving fathers.

These pairings go on to produce the foundation of a good, safe, and noble society.

Posted by admin in Culture, Motherhood

Health is Wealth and Protection from Evil

Artwork by 11-year-old A.M.

Health should be of utmost priority in our lives. Only those who have lost it can truly appreciate how much one actually loses when health is compromised.

Many strong, hardworking, caring, positive, and lovely individuals have health challenges, and this certainly doesn’t make them poor in any sense. However, that is because they have the fortitude and character to not allow their health challenges to bring them down and pull them into a victimhood culture that awaits. In most cases, it is because they have found a way to manage with their health challenge. Those who do not ultimately manage, often cannot remain lovely individuals.

Instead, those who cannot or do not find a way to take some kind of control of their health too often find themselves bitter, sorrowful, angry, and negative. These people push good people away and opportunities, too. Most of us tend to have a great deal of compassion for these types because health matters are nothing to laugh at. Yet, they’re a reality and succumbing to poor health is a terrible tragedy.

Most health issues are not extreme and can be more or less conquered. Since this encompasses the majority of cases, let us focus there. Those who have extreme cases and who keep their logic, goodness, and grace are beautiful heroes among us.

Whatever your health issue is, you must give it attention and tackle it. Learn all you must about it. Try different things. See more than one doctor. Consider giving up certain foods or modifying your lifestyle to see if that helps. Do what it takes to preserve your health. Be your most determined advocate and do not stop until you have some sort of grip on your challenge. What you learn and gain along the way will only add to your personality and resilience. Some people lament that no ongoing hardship has served to mold them into a better, stronger person. That’s not you. And while it is always less than ideal to have any health concern to deal with, the only way through is to accept and meet it head on.

What awaits a person with a health challenge that is unmet and unmitigated is not worth risking. The bitterness and loss of life and vitality are states that put you in too vulnerable a state and at risk for predation. You may find yourself weak and wanting to be embraced, only to find yourself trapped with those who do not serve anything worth having or protecting.

So whatever it takes, seek to do that which keeps you healthy, even if it takes sacrifice and an incredible amount of hard work. It will insulate you from those who would take advantage of you should you feel too sick and weak to resist pity. It’s ok to have a health problem. It doesn’t make you less lovable. But you must take care of yourself and hold your head up high and away from the victim club. They’re not your friends. They are commiserators who ultimately lead others to evil because what they offer is only jealousy, bitterness, and shame.

Posted by admin in Health and Wellness

Keep the Good and Leave the Bad

People who weigh in on the topic of traditional wisdom often criticize negative aspects seemingly choosing not to recognize that pleas for a return to traditional values can be discriminatory. For example, many now choose to peacefully parent and would not like to return to the way most children were treated in the past. We might also like to keep our modern surgery skills and knowledge, too. There is so much to choose from and the key is to use a solid mind to discern what we keep and what changes we adopt.

When looking at history we should keep the good and the leave the bad. Or more specifically, we should assess ancient wisdom and try to understand why it became tried and true. Perhaps there is a reason anchored so long ago that we must dig to get at it. You see, humans are the same after all these years. What is different is what we are taught as children and the culture or civilization we’re born into. We live so differently right now that the reasons for certain traditional behaviors is completely lost on us. Why did certain ways of life and thinking last so long? Is there a reason? Is it perhaps, a good reason? We owe it to ourselves to find out. It may be of utmost importance. After all, we don’t want to relive hard lessons that may have already been learned. That’s like going around in circles and disrespecting the fact that our ancestors suffered to get us where we are now.

Similarly, rejecting all from the modern world is not the answer. We have continued to learn. It’s tricky, of course, to wade through so much in order to keep the good and leave the bad, but this is again, exactly what we should do. We have brains for a reason and we need to use them for a successful life. Unfortunately, we won’t do so well to copy every one of our great-grandparent’s ways nor follow what everyone is doing now. We must pick and choose among the two.

Those who take all the good, no matter where it comes from, and reject all the bad are poised to be the most wise among us. This is how we thank our many ancestors for their hard-earned lessons and it is how we provide our children the best that our current knowledge can provide. This is true progress.

Posted by admin in Culture

Determining and Enhancing Our Value as Women

Drawing by 11-year-old Aurora.

One of the most important jobs parents have is to raise children to be productive members of a family and community. Children should be inherently valuable to their parents, of course, but for their own well being, they should be taught how to contribute in age-appropriate ways so that once adults, their value goes beyond their delightful existence. Parents mostly teach this by contributing to the family in the way they can. Children take after their parents.

Once we’re grown, the question of our value becomes much more pertinent. Our traits, skills, and overall behavior all genuinely help determine how our life will go from this point on.

It’s a brutal truth but when you realize just what value you bring to the table, you may see how natural it all is and how much your own choices can impact your situation in life.

What makes a woman valuable? Here are are a the mere basics:

  • fertility
  • availability
  • health

Here are traits commonly associated with increasing a woman’s value:

  • cooking and cleaning skills
  • good with children
  • affectionate
  • polite
  • peaceful
  • willingness to act
  • communication skills
  • physically attractive
  • steadfast
  • intelligent
  • organized
  • feminine
  • honest
  • respectful
  • patient

Most women are fertile, available and open to a relationship, and decently healthy. The other traits is where you’ll find more variation. Women may find themselves lacking in several areas, which is perfectly normal. What can they do?

Well let’s say a woman lacks cooking skills. She could start learning, little by little. She can acquire the skill of feeding herself and anyone around her. Cooking skills are only gained through experience so there’s no fast work around here. However, what if she doesn’t enjoy cooking and doesn’t see herself ever being very good at it? Well, then she’ll want to ensure she has some of the other traits on the list. She’ll probably want to work on making very good simple foods–there’s nothing wrong with never acquiring the abilities of a gourmet chef. All women have strengths and weaknesses. The key is to do all we can within our particular set of abilities.

What about the woman who lacks attractiveness? She can still control for many factors. She can work to be as healthy as possible, which always looks good, and she can be physically fit. She can learn to dress well and do her hair in a way that suits her face shape and features. She can be clean and tidy. She can be kind and patient. Most women are not a 10 on the 1-10 scale and good men don’t care. There are more important things at stake.

In the context of a woman wanting to marry a man and have children, there are many things she can work on to improve her value and overall attractiveness. The point is that each individual can do quite a lot on her own to become a productive and useful woman. Youth, looks, and fertility are certainly enough to get a woman married, but a good man is looking for a good woman–one who’ll offer more than transient value, whose worth will only increase, not decrease, with time.

Posted by admin in Femininity, Self-Knowledge

Modern Woman Exists Because of Ancient Woman

Artwork by 11-year-old A.M.

As time passes, we learn a great deal about things and improve our lives as a result. And much of our lives rests fundamentally on ancient wisdom. There are lessons we’ve learned which have been time honored, meaning that they’ve worked for so long and deviations from this wisdom have been so disastrous, that the lessons have survived many years. While we should always use our current findings to check older information, there should be some willingness to find out whether old advice is just old or if perhaps it is true and wise and has been around so long for some good reason.

Modern woman has come a long way. Yet, we’re not necessarily better off in every regard. In some ways, it seems we’ve deviated from traditional wisdom and found ourselves stuck in painful or fruitless situations that do not resemble the idealized Hollywood version of events we’ve often been subjected to. Or take the topic of nutrition. Most would agree we’ve strayed far from the diets of our ancestors and have largely suffered as a result.

We can use all our current knowledge and choose to accept some ancient wisdom at the same time. By being wise we do not shun an idea just because it is new or not. We judge and make decisions based on the information and circumstances around each one.

And so it is a reminder to us women, that the reason we exist is due to the strategies and behaviors of those who came before us. It is wise to drop negative behaviors but first we must be sure we’re judging something correctly. This takes humility and openness and critical thinking, but it is well worth it. Our progeny are relying on us.

Posted by admin in Culture, Self-Knowledge