Determining and Enhancing Our Value as Women

Drawing by 11-year-old Aurora.

One of the most important jobs parents have is to raise children to be productive members of a family and community. Children should be inherently valuable to their parents, of course, but for their own well being, they should be taught how to contribute in age-appropriate ways so that once adults, their value goes beyond their delightful existence. Parents mostly teach this by contributing to the family in the way they can. Children take after their parents.

Once we’re grown, the question of our value becomes much more pertinent. Our traits, skills, and overall behavior all genuinely help determine how our life will go from this point on.

It’s a brutal truth but when you realize just what value you bring to the table, you may see how natural it all is and how much your own choices can impact your situation in life.

What makes a woman valuable? Here are are a the mere basics:

  • fertility
  • availability
  • health

Here are traits commonly associated with increasing a woman’s value:

  • cooking and cleaning skills
  • good with children
  • affectionate
  • polite
  • peaceful
  • willingness to act
  • communication skills
  • physically attractive
  • steadfast
  • intelligent
  • organized
  • feminine
  • honest
  • respectful
  • patient

Most women are fertile, available and open to a relationship, and decently healthy. The other traits is where you’ll find more variation. Women may find themselves lacking in several areas, which is perfectly normal. What can they do?

Well let’s say a woman lacks cooking skills. She could start learning, little by little. She can acquire the skill of feeding herself and anyone around her. Cooking skills are only gained through experience so there’s no fast work around here. However, what if she doesn’t enjoy cooking and doesn’t see herself ever being very good at it? Well, then she’ll want to ensure she has some of the other traits on the list. She’ll probably want to work on making very good simple foods–there’s nothing wrong with never acquiring the abilities of a gourmet chef. All women have strengths and weaknesses. The key is to do all we can within our particular set of abilities.

What about the woman who lacks attractiveness? She can still control for many factors. She can work to be as healthy as possible, which always looks good, and she can be physically fit. She can learn to dress well and do her hair in a way that suits her face shape and features. She can be clean and tidy. She can be kind and patient. Most women are not a 10 on the 1-10 scale and good men don’t care. There are more important things at stake.

In the context of a woman wanting to marry a man and have children, there are many things she can work on to improve her value and overall attractiveness. The point is that each individual can do quite a lot on her own to become a productive and useful woman. Youth, looks, and fertility are certainly enough to get a woman married, but a good man is looking for a good woman–one who’ll offer more than transient value, whose worth will only increase, not decrease, with time.