
Our Great Civilization is Doomed if Women Don’t Like Children

Watch popular media and attend a high school. You’ll find a common and widely acceptable reaction among females towards children: “eww”, “ugh”, and the most charitable, “not any time soon”.

Why is this? Biologically, women are predisposed by nature to instead react more like: “aww”, “I adore children!” and “I want my own baby!”

So what has happened to create the self-destructive shift?

Feminism? The movement which seeks to compete with nature and push women towards masculine behavior and self-centered ways of thinking and living. A baby–a family, takes up most of a woman’s time and according to feminists, women deserve to live for themselves. Children are naturally needy and women have worked long and hard to free themselves from the chains wrought by the patriarchy. It is no wonder young women today view children as a hindrance and nuisance.

Humans must be guided to properly discern that which is beautiful, good, and true, or else they won’t. So when girls and women are influenced to view children as one of many options, a deterrent to their potential, and an inconvenience, well, it’s no surprise we see the reactions that we do among so many.

For those not too mentally disturbed, having a child changes much of ones ill-begotten perspective. Many women need only to experience motherhood in order to see the light, but too many never become mothers, at all, and others are too mind-warped to become decent mothers once the opportunity arises. The children of the latter are true victims of the world. They grow up with resentful “mothers” who often compete with them for attention or who treat them as a hobby among more worthwhile pursuits.

Traditionally, little girls are raised to respect and appreciate younger children. As they get older they very easily long to care for others who are younger, be sweet to them, and learn to take responsibility for their wellbeing. A large family used to provide the perfect training ground for future mothers. Now with many children not having more than one sibling, and extended families being more separated than ever before, it has become more unlikely that a young woman have any experience empathizing with children, caring for them, and understanding what they’re like.

Women now give the wrong kind of men their misplaced mothering attention and aid while they nurture small pets with such excessiveness, even these animals are suffering. Nature must be respected. Animals do not want to be treated like babies. And babies and children must be adored, protected, and made a priority in society.

Feminism has wielded its toxic influence for so long now that many of today’s children are often a difficult presence and nearly impossible to dote on. Young women taught to dislike children can hardly be blamed for doing so. The way children behave today only validate women’s opinions of them. It’s the destructive cycle completing itself.

We must break the cycle by being good mothers who behave in a traditional feminine way. We must want to care for children and treat them properly. We must respect them, protect them, and model the correct behavior for them to follow.

If we do these things, women will once again be captivated by the gentle, spirited, and curious nature of delightful and pleasant children and long to have their own. What comes from this is that more women will choose virtuous men to pair with.

How do we know they’ll choose virtuous men?

Simple. Because women who love children choose men who will become protective and loving fathers.

These pairings go on to produce the foundation of a good, safe, and noble society.

Posted by admin in Culture, Motherhood