Health is Wealth and Protection from Evil

Artwork by 11-year-old A.M.

Health should be of utmost priority in our lives. Only those who have lost it can truly appreciate how much one actually loses when health is compromised.

Many strong, hardworking, caring, positive, and lovely individuals have health challenges, and this certainly doesn’t make them poor in any sense. However, that is because they have the fortitude and character to not allow their health challenges to bring them down and pull them into a victimhood culture that awaits. In most cases, it is because they have found a way to manage with their health challenge. Those who do not ultimately manage, often cannot remain lovely individuals.

Instead, those who cannot or do not find a way to take some kind of control of their health too often find themselves bitter, sorrowful, angry, and negative. These people push good people away and opportunities, too. Most of us tend to have a great deal of compassion for these types because health matters are nothing to laugh at. Yet, they’re a reality and succumbing to poor health is a terrible tragedy.

Most health issues are not extreme and can be more or less conquered. Since this encompasses the majority of cases, let us focus there. Those who have extreme cases and who keep their logic, goodness, and grace are beautiful heroes among us.

Whatever your health issue is, you must give it attention and tackle it. Learn all you must about it. Try different things. See more than one doctor. Consider giving up certain foods or modifying your lifestyle to see if that helps. Do what it takes to preserve your health. Be your most determined advocate and do not stop until you have some sort of grip on your challenge. What you learn and gain along the way will only add to your personality and resilience. Some people lament that no ongoing hardship has served to mold them into a better, stronger person. That’s not you. And while it is always less than ideal to have any health concern to deal with, the only way through is to accept and meet it head on.

What awaits a person with a health challenge that is unmet and unmitigated is not worth risking. The bitterness and loss of life and vitality are states that put you in too vulnerable a state and at risk for predation. You may find yourself weak and wanting to be embraced, only to find yourself trapped with those who do not serve anything worth having or protecting.

So whatever it takes, seek to do that which keeps you healthy, even if it takes sacrifice and an incredible amount of hard work. It will insulate you from those who would take advantage of you should you feel too sick and weak to resist pity. It’s ok to have a health problem. It doesn’t make you less lovable. But you must take care of yourself and hold your head up high and away from the victim club. They’re not your friends. They are commiserators who ultimately lead others to evil because what they offer is only jealousy, bitterness, and shame.